English courses for professionals, taught by professionals.
English courses for professionals, taught by professionals.
Classes for individuals
Classes for companies
Blended learning
Classes for individuals
Classes for companies
Blended learning
Why choose United English?
Why choose United English?
A tried and tested course
Our courses have been designed from the ground up to help students reach their language learning goals, no matter what level they are. We follow best practices and incorporate the latest in educational technology to help our students develop their professional fluency while studying topics closely related to their working life.
A tried and tested course
Our courses have been designed from the ground up to help students reach their language learning goals, no matter what level they are. We follow best practices and incorporate the latest in educational technology to help our students develop their professional fluency while studying topics closely related to their working life.
Self-study platform
At United English, learning continues far beyond the classroom. All our students have access to our online self-study platform, with access to explanations and exercises related to the class topics. This means that they can improve their English wherever they are, whenever they want.
Self-study platform
At United English, learning continues far beyond the classroom. All our students have access to our online self-study platform, with access to explanations and exercises related to the class topics. This means that they can improve their English wherever they are, whenever they want.
Authentic English
In addition to linguistic expertise and a variety of accents, our native-speaking teachers also provide valuable cultural insight, exposing our students to real-world English. This includes current events, popular culture, and other aspects of everyday life.
Authentic English
In addition to linguistic expertise and a variety of accents, our native-speaking teachers also provide valuable cultural insight, exposing our students to real-world English. This includes current events, popular culture, and other aspects of everyday life.
Qualified, native-speaking teachers
“Excellent teachers. They have truly helped me to understand the language, and the fact that they all have native accents is important to me.”
Our team of certified, professional and dedicated teachers work tirelessly to help our students increase their confidence and motivation, providing positive feedback, encouragement, and support as they navigate the challenges of language learning.
Qualified, native-speaking teachers
Our team of certified, professional and dedicated teachers work tirelessly to help our students increase their confidence and motivation, providing positive feedback, encouragement, and support as they navigate the challenges of language learning.
Our team of certified, professional and dedicated teachers work tirelessly to help our students increase their confidence and motivation, providing positive feedback, encouragement, and support as they navigate the challenges of language learning.
“Excellent teachers. They have truly helped me to understand the language, and the fact that they all have native accents is important to me.”
Learn more about United English
Get in touch with us for more information and schedule a Q&A session.
Learn more about United English
Do you want to know more about how United English can help you or your team to communicate better in English? Get in touch with us for more information and schedule a Q&A session.